Other Conditions – Women’s Health

Bablis P, Pollard H

Hypothyroidism: A new model for Conservative Management in two cases. Chiropractic Journal of Australia. 34(1):11-18, 2004


This paper presented a NET therapy protocol that produced objective pre-post improved changes to two cases of persons suffering with low thyroid function.


Bablis P, Pollard H

An Acupuncture Based Mind- Body Therapy: A New Model for Management of Hypothyroidism. WFAS 2004 6th World Conference on Acupuncture


This publication reviewed NET treatment for individuals suffering with abnormally low thyroid function, from an acupuncture perspective.


Bablis P, Pollard H

A mind body treatment for hypothyroid dysfunction: a report of 2 cases. Complimentary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2009 May; 15(2): 67-71


This paper describes the management of two individuals with abnormally low thyroid function using a mind-body treatment – neuro-emotional technique (NET).


Bablis P, Pollard H, McHardy A

Two reports of resolution of polycystic ovary syndrome-induced an ovulation in Females receiving Neuro Emotional Technique. Chiropractic Journal of Australia 36(1):2-8, 2006


This study showed the successful management by Neuro Emotional Technique of two cases of women who were unable to fall pregnant due to a failure to ovulate.


Bablis P, Pollard H, Monti D

Resolution of anovulation infertility using Neuro emotional technique: a report of 3 cases. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 5 (1):13-21, 2006


The aim of this study was to present a number of case studies on how the stress- reducing technique of Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) successfully aided the fertility of a number of female patients by resolving anovulation/menstrual irregularity.


Bablis P, Pollard H, Bonello R

A Retrospective Analysis of 761 Consecutive New Patients Presenting to a NET Chiropractic Clinic [Conference Abstract] The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, March 2008 14(1): S-1-S-109


This is a published abstract from a presentation Dr Bablis made to the Third International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research 2008.


Bablis P, Pollard H

A retrospective analysis of 761 consecutive new patients presenting to a NET chiropractic clinic. Complimentary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2009 Aug;


This retrospective analysis was the first comprehensive description of the scope of NET patients and their presenting complaints.


Pollard H, Bablis P, Walker S

The BVM Model: Chiropractic “PHILOSOPHY” Back To The Future. [ConferenceAbstract]

The Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, March 2008, 14(1): S-1-S109


The new model promotes the interrelationship of the Brain, Viscera (organs) and Musculoskeletal structures and is referred to the BVM model.

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